Das sind sehr wohl die original Hits der Les Humphries Singers, Mama Loo in der Album Version. Als Junge hatte ich die Singles Mexico, Mama Loo und Kansas City und die drehten auf meinem kleinen Telefunken Plattenspieler bis das Knacken nicht mehr zumutbar war. Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico MEXICO Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico Well cannon balls flew and the ship began to sink The water started risin' so we really had to think Find industry contacts talent representation. Access indevelopment titles not available on IMDb. Get the latest news from leading industry trades The Les Humphries Singers was a musical group formed in Hamburg, Germany by Englishman Les Humphries in the year 1970. The group consisted of a large number of singers of diverse ethnic origin, some of whom such as John Lawton also performed with other groups. The Les Humphries Singers sind zurck. Mexico lyrics by Les Humphries Singers lyrics explanations and song meanings. In 1580 we sailed our little ship around the coast Of Africa down the Gaza strip. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for To My Father's House The Les Humphries Singers on AllMusic 2000. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for To My Father's House The Les Humphries Singers on AllMusic 2000 Comeback der Les Humphries Singers. Kurz darauf entschieden sich acht ehemalige Mitglieder fr ein Comeback der Truppe. Die Idee fr das Revival wurde von einem Frankfurter Fanclub organisiert, sie luden alle Snger zu einem Treffen ein. Lyrics to 'Mexico' by Les Humphries Singers. In 1580 we sailed our little ship around the coastOf Africa down the Gaza strip. We took some salty bacon and a Les Humphries Singers est un groupe pop soul allemand form en 1969 Hambourg par l'artiste anglais Les Humphries (Leslie John Humphreys n le 10 aot 1940 dcd le 26 dcembre 2007 [1. La formation comprend quelques chanteurs principaux et une chorale qui varie de huit seize membres. Les Humphries hat sehr schne Songs geschrieben und mit den LesHumphriesSingers sie populr gemacht. Wie Alles begann und wer alles dabei war, sehen sie hier. Les Humphries Singers Mexico 1972 Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico In 1580 we sailed our little ship around the coast Of Acrica down the Gaza strip. Les Humphries was born on August 10, 1940 in London, England as John Leslie Humphreys. He is known for his work on Ecco noi per esempio (1977), Es knallt und die Engel singen (1974) and Sex Freedom in Germany (1970). He was married to Dunja Rajter. He died on December 26, 2007 in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England. Les Humphries Singers var en popkr som bildades av engelsmannen Les Humphries 1969. Humphries var militrmusiker i Tyskland och krntruppen till kren hade deltagit i. Hinterlasse einen Kommentar Verffentlicht in Les Humphries Singers Les Humphries Singers Well Fly You To The Promised Land (1971) Verffentlicht von zokyat am Februar 22, 2016 Artist description Humphries Singers, Les Les Humphries Singers. One of the most joyous sounds to permeate the radio airwaves in the 70's and 80's came from central Europe courtesy of The Les Humphries Singers. Led by the enigmatic, Les Humphries. Formed by Englishman Les Humphries in Berlin in the early '70s, the Les Humphries Singers performed a mix of gospel, RB, pop, and rock that was not dissimilar to the work that would make Boney M European superstars. The group's biggest hits were the singles Mexico and Mama Loo, released in 1972 and 1973 respectively. Les Humphries Singers foi um grupo musical alemo de Hamburgo fundado em 1969 pelo Ingls Les Humphries (Croydon, Surrey, Inglaterra, Reino Unido, 10 de agosto de 1940 Basingstoke, Hampshire, Inglaterra, Reino Unido, 26 de dezembro de 2007). Check out Les Humphries Singers on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Lyrics to 'Kansas City' by Les Humphries Singers. Kansas City with a friend of mine We loved the women and we had a good time Then the trouble started with Das CDAlbum Family Show von Les Humphries Singers (1975) Alle Infos, Songs und mehr Find a The Les Humphries Singers The World Of The Les Humphries Singers first pressing or reissue. Complete your The Les Humphries Singers collection. Mexico Lyrics: Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico In 1580 we sailed our little ship Around the coast of Africa down the Gaza strip We took some salty bacon and a hammock for a bed Die Les Humphries Singers haben immer noch Schwung, die Lieder gehen noch immer direkt ins Blut, jeder der Melodien ist noch immer ein absoluter Ohrwurm, und ich wnsche allen, die sich fr diese CD entscheiden, auch so eine wundervolle und bunte akkustische Zeitreise, wie sie sie mir vermittelt hat. Les Humphries Singers discography and songs: Music profile for Les Humphries Singers, formed 1969. Genres: Pop, Piano Rock, Pop Soul. Albums include Mexico Jennifer Adam, Mama Loo I'm From the South, I'm From Geoorgia, and Sing Sang Song Slow Down. Les Humphries, eigentlich John Leslie Humphreys, ( 10. August 1940 in Croydon, London; 26. Dezember 2007 in Basingstoke) war ein englischer Popmusiker, der in Deutschland mit seiner Gruppe Les Humphries Singers bekannt wurde. Von Anfang der 1970er Jahre bis zur Auflsung seiner Gruppe 1976 verkaufte Humphries rund 48 Millionen Tontrger Les Humphries Singers var en popgruppe, der i frste halvdel af 1970'erne var meget populre i store dele af Europa, herunder i Danmark. Gruppen, der havde basis i Vesttyskland, blev grundlagt af Les Humphries ( ), der var flyttet til Hamborg fra fdelandet Storbritannien. de bietet umfangreiche Discographien mit ausfhrlichen Tracklistings I Les Humphries Singers sono stati un gruppo musicale tedesco, fondato ad Amburgo nel 1969 dal cantante e musicista inglese Les Humphries, che allora viveva nella citt tedesca, e dal compositore Henner Hoier. Il gruppo era formato da un gran numero di cantanti di estrazione etnica diversa, alcuni dei quali facevano anche parte di altri gruppi. The Les Humphries Singers was a 1970s musical group formed in Hamburg, Germany in 1969 by the English born Les The Les Humphries Singers Discography Germany: 34 Records: Latest Updates: Gallery. Les Humphries Singers Les Humphries Singers 1969, , Les Humphries. The Les Humphries Singers was a 1970s musical group formed in Hamburg, Germany in 1969 by the English born Les Humphries, who had been inspired to do his own version of the Edwin Hawkins Singers. Written by: Les Baxter; Last update on: April 12, 2011. Edited by Giulia Boeru 3 years ago. Lyrics for Mama Loo by Les Humphries Singers. the les humphries singers kansas city black on tour again decca france 1974 original occasion [Intro Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Db Ab [Chorus N. Mamamamamamama Loo, Mamamamamamama Loo N. Media in category The Les Humphries Singers The following 33 files are in this category, out of 33 total. Mexico This song is by Les Humphries Singers and appears on the album Mexico (1972). Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico In 1580 we sailed our little ship Around the coast of Africa down the Gaza strip. We took some salty bacon and a hammock for a bed. Die Les Humphries Singers waren eine Gesangsgruppe, die 1969 von dem damals in Hamburg lebenden Englnder Les Humphries gegrndet wurde. Sie fiel durch die groe Zahl ihrer Snger verschiedener ethnischer Herkunft auf, die etwas vom Flair der Hippiebewegung und des damals populren Gospel nach dem Vorbild der Edwin Hawkins Singers in die Popmusik einbrachten. Rock My Soul (1970) We'll Fly To The Promised Land Soolaimon Fool on the Hill I Believe To Love Somebody The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore Gospel Train Sounds of Silence You Keep Me Hangin' On To My Father's House You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' Rock My. Formed by Englishman Les Humphries in Berlin in the early '70s, the Les Humphries Singers performed a mix of gospel, RB, pop, and rock that was not dissimilar to the work that would make Boney M European superstars. Songtekst Come and go with me to my father's house to my father's house Come and go with me to my father's house to my father's house There'll be no cryin' there Les Humphries Singers nummer 1 Hit 1970 To My Father's House. Take Care Of Me (1972) Les Humphries Singers Mexico 1972. Les Humphries Singers Nobody knows the trouble I've seen 1971 Jimmy Bilsbury. De Les Humphries Singers was een zanggroep die in de jaren 70 werd opgericht door de in Hamburg wonende Engelsman Les Humphries (10 augustus 1940 26 december 2007). Behalve door hun muzikale succes, viel de groep ook op door het grote aantal, uit verschillende landen afkomstige, zangers. The Les Humphries Singers; Album Mix Les Humphries Singers Mama Loo (Disco 1973) YouTube; Les Humphries Singers Mama Loo (1973) HD Duration: 4: 09..