Why smart people do stupid things. IQ measures raw intelligence, sure, but what we need is a test for how we actually think. Feb 4, 2009 This is, in other words, perhaps why smart people, do dumb things. The ability to think critically, on the other hand, has been associated with wellness and longevity. One study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology gave logic problems to people to solve and found that smart people tended to make more mistakes than those of average intellect, because smart people were more likely to take shortcuts or make assumptions due to. The antidote to this is to pay attention and think deliberately good, commonsense advice for situations large and small. But Gonzales might push his own models and scripts a little too far. DECONSTRUCTING STUPIDITY: WHY SMART PEOPLE OFTEN DO STUPID THINGS. by directors, regulators, investors do so many seemingly stupid things? Why did so many individuals and organizations get so far in over their heads? to the failures that NASA experienced with the Challenger and Columbia space shuttles and to other apparently. Smart people make stupid decisions because they struggle with the same challenge that we all do overconfidence. Overconfidence causes us to be closeminded towards different ideas than ours. Hence, the tendency to do stupid things follows smart people into the workplace. Consider some of the most common ways in which smart people manage to shoot themselves in the foot. Why Smart People Sometimes Say Stupid Things. tags: Smart people accomplish things by finding solutions to important problems. This is a tough, disconcerting process thats full of frustration and boredom. The great physicist Richard Feynman likened it to being a confused ape. John is a Principal Electrical Engineer and the President of EPIC Systems, Inc. Despite the fact that he holds multiple degrees, he sometimes does really stupid things. He promises not to be lazy next time. Here are ten things really smart people do to have a mind that can see the external for the object of beauty and enlightenment that it truly is. Stupid people just accept whatever is given to. When Smart People Do Stupid Things. Every day we hear about people getting killed on construction sites (currently about four per day in the U. Many more are seriously injured. Hence, the tendency to do stupid things follows smart people into the workplace. Consider some of the most common ways in which smart people manage to. This is because of the active imagination in the human population. If human brains considered smart or dumb, all generate knowledge stimuli. If at some point, we do not generate enough knowledge stimuli, then we say something considered Stupid. 10 Stupid Things Smart People Do Defending their knowledge position by trashing or insulting others with a different position, online and off. Doing number 1 with comments on others blog post on subject matters they believe in. Top 10 Reasons Why Smart People Do Dumb Things They're too close to the situation. Lack of objectivity or perspective is probably the most common reason, but. Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid focuses on the neglected side of this discussion, reviewing the full range of theory and research on stupid behavior and analyzing what it tells us about how people can avoid stupidity and its devastating consequences. Why Smart People Do Stupid Things With Money: Overcoming Financial Dysfunction [Bert Whitehead; MBA; JD on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Updated in 2013, Bert's unique behavioral finance approach goes beyond mere number crunching to help people understand and overcome the complex psychological baggage they bring to their financial decisions. why people are irrational, Intelligence by itself doesn't make you rational. Thinking rationally demands mental skills that some of us don't have and many of us don't use. dysrationalia, why people are irrational, kurt kleiner Do not mistake this statement as Smart people dont have fun or Smart people are boring. You can have fun, you can have a drink or have a good laugh. Irresponsibility does not equal uninteresting, it only means you like to have an organized lifestyle. After all, intelligent people earn more money, accumulate more wealth, and even live longer, wrote Bradberry in his post Why Smart People Act So Stupid. But theres another side to the story. Sometimes the smartest people do the dumbest things. Thomas Middleditch as Richard Hendricks in HBO's Silicon Valley. Silicon ValleyHBO Sometimes the smartest people do the dumbest things. Every year since 1994, Worth magazine has named Bert Whitehead among the Best 60 Financial Advisors in America. His unique behavioral finance approach goes beyond mere number crunching to help people understand and overcome the complex psychological baggage they bring to. Some built for stupid reasons (e. , national pride) Most built for solid corporate reasons (e. , carriersISPcontent providers building to handle internal traffic) Hence, the tendency to do stupid things follows smart people into the workplace. Consider some of the most common ways in which smart people manage to shoot themselves in the foot. Ever wonder why we (I mean all of us! ) do things that make not logical sense? Watch to see an interesting perspective that will change the way you look at yourself and others which will bring you. Reasons Why Very Smart People Do Very Dumb Things. underscore a stunning capacity for very stupid actions by very smart people who ought to know better. Why Smart People Do Dumb Things. W e all know smart people who do stupid things. At work we see people with brilliant minds make the most simple mistakes. At work we see people with brilliant minds make the most simple mistakes. Consulting firms prize people who are logical, analytical, and rational. However, smart people routinely make stupid decisions. Top 10 Reasons Why Smart People Do Dumb Things. They're too close to the situation. Lack of objectivity or perspective is probably the most common reason, but not the only one, by any means. Perhaps for the same reason other smart people who work for Trump have done seemingly unwise things: Trump told them to. Sean Spicer is a seasoned pro, deeply experienced with the press. The only way to avoid doing stupid things is to do nothing. Smart people aren't smart because they are incapable of being stupid, this is an inherent human trait, it is learning the right lessons. What are some stupid things that smart people do? this inquisitive person asked, spurring a fascinating collection of entrepreneurs, techies, and students to offer their best insights into the. Why Smart People Do Stupid Things U of T Magazine Summer, 2009 By Kurt Kleiner How can someone so smart be so stupid? Weve all asked this question after watching a perfectly intelligent friend or relative pull a boneheaded move. Why do smart people do stupid things? Out of all my closest high school friends I was supposedly the smartest. I was the only one who went away to college and everyone including myself truly believed I was on the fast track to success. Hence, the tendency to do stupid things follows smart people into the workplace. Consider some of the most common ways in which smart people manage to shoot themselves in the foot. If you do something unique on a large scale, over a long period of time, something that very few people do, then I think you're smart. But he isn't god But this crap about reading other people's minds, knowing that intellectuals hate people like him and why they hate him, well that's that just child talk. News Science Why do clever people do stupid things? Psychologists split on 'link' between IQ and lack of common sense. Men are often allowed to 'get away with' being impractical geniuses in ways. Why smart people do stupid things. 1 Contents When we talk about stupid things, we do not focus only on real accidents, but we also take into account nearaccidents, conflict situations and potentially dangerous encounters. All But why do smart people fall for such things? Sternbergs challenge led to a second edition of my book, with a new chapter expounding on my answer to his question: Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs they arrived at for nonsmart reasons. ya, i know, just another quote, but i truly believe emotion is why smart people do dumb things Nicholas March 28, 2013 at 8: 56 pm. The stupid things to the common, are things that the common would never try. The real smart are the ones who dare to create. The stupid ones are those who comment after things have been created and question the smart ones without the intelligence to make a real judgement. Getting People To Do Stupid Things for BOOBS (Chatroulette Fake Girl Prank) 04: 52. stupid people do stupide things part 2. [PDF Why Smart People Do Stupid Things With Money: Overcoming Financial Dysfunction Popular Online. Its a fact: teenagers do boneheaded things that anyone in his right mind would never do. They do stupid stuff and when you ask why, they say something like, I didnt think. Editors Note: The introductory paragraphs of this post appeared in similar form in an October, 2011, column by Jonah Lehrer for the. Why smart people do stupid things. By Gregory Mott, The Washington Post. Coming off another banner year of monumental misdoings by public figures and the highpowered. Everyday Survival: Why Smart People Do Stupid Things and millions of other books are available for instant access. Kindle Audible Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Like the Four Star General who slates the CommanderinChief in a Rolling Stones Interview; then had to resign. The Toronto Mayor smoking crack cocaine TTA Podcast 255: Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things (with Dr. Michael Shermer) Duration: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things Duration: 1: 37. Why Smart People Do So Many Stupid Things. By Michael Dangovian June 21, 2018. A very smart person who does very dumb things. I have a friend who is a very smart, very successful guy. He's a professor at a major university, has a successful practice on the side, and has. The title of this book, Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid, assumes that smart people at least sometimes do stupid things. In addition, the title implies that such stupid behavior needs explaining. The first challenge to anyone who tries to provide an explanation is that the title is phrased in terms from the common vernacular..