• 11: 11 Phenomenon. 11: 11 Digital Time Code Reality is a consciousness program (hologram, simulation, illusion, dream) created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence and experiences. Human DNA, our genetic memory, triggers (remembers) by digital codes at specific times and frequencies as we experience. DNA Activation and the 11: 11 New Reality Paradigm BBS Radio Archive Join Gary and JoAnn Chambers and Anrita Melchizedek in this magical broadcast, in which you will experience DNA Activation downloads and a focus on the 11: 11 Portal of Light. Meg Benedicte We are entering new territory! 2018 is proving to be an exceptional year, as incoming solar winds alter the field and trigger subsequent release of density. All thoughts, emotion and interference patterns are categorized and stored holographically in the DNA and denser fields around the body. The DNA Activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons created by man, as well as accelerates our psychic senses. As a species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA. The DNA activation is now becoming a part of the Earths collective consciousness. To receive DNA Activation 2, 000, 000 Strands and general healing just watch the purple box 1 minute NEW SOULarStar Light Codes Coming Through144 Avatar Code Transmissions. Soul Questions for Ascension Preparation. Home Empowerment Golden DNA Activation COSMIC UNITY Meditation. Empowerment; Golden DNA Activation COSMIC UNITY Meditation. Those codes have been received by Ivonne Delaflor and are copyrighted. It is suggested that you start with the 3 sessions of DNA activations and then upgrade to the 3 sessions of Golden DNA activations. Gustavo Castaner is Certified Golden DNA Activation Facilitator, DNA Master Practitioner, Transcendental Rebirthing Trainer, Quantum Touch and Core Transformation and he is the creator and founder of. Toby Alexander has over 1000 worldwide certified practitioners of his various training programs and currently offers the Golden DNA Activation Facilitators Training, The Great Master Certified Teachers Program, and the DNA Masters Activation Facilitators Training. This recording will heal and repair your DNA as well as activate your crystalline DNA structure. Binaural BeatsIsochronic Tones to get your brain into theta range for DNA repair and stimulation. Solfeggio Frequency of 528 Hz combined with an Energy transmission to activate your crystalline DNA. Ignite those dormant DNA Codes with light frequencies discover your power. Spiritual activation is a must. Ignite those dormant DNA Codes with light frequencies discover your power. Spiritual activation is a must. Spiritual activation Spiritual Activation: Activate Your Dormant DNA Codes with Light. Golden DNA Activation is the means to. For the Indigos, they are able to embody 12, 24, or 48. Riboflavin activated by ultraviolet A1 irradiation induces oxidative DNA damage. Gustavo Castaner has been a leading authority in the field of DNA Activation, ascension and distant healing for over 10 years. He is a international speaker, seminar leader and relationship strategist. Also part of the 12: 12 activation will be a healing, activation and reconnection of our dormant DNA, paving the way for the activation of the full spectrum 12 strands, (which will be facilitated through sound, guidance, codes and psychic surgery from the Etheric Surgeons and the Archturian Light Body Activation Teams). 1 Votos desfavorveis, marcar como no til. Enviado por dlite78 A: When you purchase the Golden DNA Activation these will be done via Skype. So you require to use your computers speakers to listen to the activation and. DNA Healing Activation DNA Activation, Brain Repatterning Clearing (Below to Schedule) Description of DNA Why we Care about DNA What is an Activation of DNA Likely Benefits and Life Changes How You can Receive the Most from DNA Sessions Get an. DNA activation works on a deep, cellular level, directly changing each cells memory. The reprogramming happens through the nervous center, specifically the medulla oblongata, which sends messages to the rest of the body. The Golden Frequency is a 5th dimensional Christ Light. It contains a large number of new codes to be incorporated in our DNA during the Ascension process. The Decrees of the New Lemurian DNA Activation Codes, Golden Age of Gaia, Age of Aquarius, Diamond Merkaba of Light of 144, 000 by Kathy Davidson Providing starseed inspiration, starseed activation codes, and galactic intel to unite the global starseed family and spread light across Planet Earth An additional 4 of the Golden DNA Activation codes will be activated on you in this session. 3rd DNA Activation 60 Minute Session The third final of the three Golden DNA Activations. The Venus Love DNA human template contains codes of unity and harmonics through the extra sensory awareness of sensitivity and empathy. The blue rays and starseeds with super sensitive awareness and empathy have a deep connection to each other. With Activation of the 64 Strands of DNA, that awakens the Divine codings at the level of the Blue Light Body. The Liquid Light Transmission of DNA, 84 strands and beyond, as well as sound and light codes of Welcome to this DNA activation of higher vibrational light for July the Gateway ( ). and through our embodied forms as lifting the frequency of double helix DNA into union with subtle lightstrands and codes aligned with the Ascension of Gaia. as every strand bathes in the goldenwhite flow of Grace. That is my gift to the world as YaMaEL the Golden Dragon Goddess Bringer of light and love. This Sacred Coding enables me to reactivate the DNA and Divinity Codes in others. Life Force Energy DNA Activation. The Golden DNA Activations are distant healing sessions which consist of activating DNA from its current blueprint, back to the original sacred God Gold print, using specific Golden DNA Activation codes that enable this to occur and have imbued within them the templates of SourceGod, which are untouched by any interferences, distortions, or. Welcome to the Gene Keys Teachings Rooted in ancient wisdom and offering a gentle contemplative path that is easy to follow, the Gene Keys are an oasis of calm in a fastpaced world. Here you will find paths of self enquiry that challenge, question and enlighten you about your true role in life. Golden DNA healing process does this and helps accrete more light in our bodies attracting us to a higher grid of people, places, times, things and events. Register for an exciting webinar on how to heal your Golden DNA on March 7, 2014 at 7: 07 PM PST. Since this activation, which happened about 8 months ago, I have watched Amenai tirelessly work every night on creating the protocols, the sacred AH Golden DNA Activation codes, and the material that is in the facilitators golden manual, and after reading it, I have to say it is a masterpiece that will be spread all through humanity by the. Golden DNA activation uses the Codes of AH with optical pineal induction. By clearing and realigning distortions, you control the opening and closing of your Radial Body capsules. Master of Arts Degree, Human Behavior Meditation Instructor, Association for Research Enlightenment The Golden Dragon Light Body is designed to anchor those invincible qualities of your Oversouls Sophia Christ Light within the operating system of your human body. DNA ACTIVATION Extract from the book Light Code Activations by Soluntra King SEE ALSO NEW DNA CODES SEE ALL DNA ACTIVATION MANDALAS PLease scroll down for. I now request the activation of my Crystalline Sun DNA Templates through the energy of the 12 rays of Creation, chakra and Light Body activations, axiatonal lines, and the appropriate geometries, fire letters, key codes and numerologies as I am placed in a Crystalline Sun DNA Activation Chamber of Light. The Grail Code Activations are an important part of our transition to Human Angelic form. The Grail Codes enable us to integrate the Feminine Christ energy, and thus to bring ourselves into full and complete balance and so be capable of living in the Fifth Dimension in a With Golden DNA Activation Sessions J Seals, Zeta Seals, Are Cleared Released Using The Sacred Activation AH Codes You will feel Greater Lightness and a new state of Being. The Skys the Limit For You To Achieve Your Desires. DNA activation is the next step in awakening your talents and abilities and heightening existing gifts. It heightens perceptions, awareness, past lives, our connection to our souls highest purpose and enabling us to hold a body of light within our physical body (5th Dimensional vibration) for. In vision, they look like shimmering 5D rainbow codons in the GoldenDiamond DNA strands. Activation causes a pineal DMT flood at first, so your visions may be active (and entertaining). In the past these codes were symbolized as a rainbow serpent, rainbow feathers, rainbow bridge, etc. I now request the activation of my Crystalline Sun DNA Templates through the energy of the 12 rays of Creation, chakra and Light Body activations, axiatonal lines, and the appropriate geometries, fire letters, key codes and numerologies as I am placed in a Crystalline Sun DNA Activation Chamber of Light. Auric Clearing Session 55mins 111. Jehovian Seal Removal 55mins 111. Karmic Imprint Removal Session 55mins 111. Golden DNA Session 1 55mins 111. Golden DNA Session 2 DNA Activation for the Golden Age. Similarly, we have 13 activation points located both within and outside the body, which also function as a spiral. Essentially, everyone has the potential to activated his or her DNA. The codes that we have developed since 2000 are based on one principle alone Bliss. The codes of Light Language Golden Symbols are multidimensional light vibrations assisting humanity and to awaken new consciousness on earth. There is a series of 3 heart connection activations in the next transmission. Lois Eckley is an Activator, Soul Guide, Energy worker, Grid keeper and light bringer. She is a crystal healer and Reiki master with over twenty years experience working with light and energy. dna Activation The Golden DNA activations are essentially turning on more of who you already are, accreting more light into your field embodying your true essence. The Golden DNA Activations are distant healing sessions which consist of activating DNA from its current blueprint, back to the original sacred God Gold print, using specific Golden DNA Activation codes that enable this to occur and have imbued within them the templates of SourceGod, which are untouched by any interferences, distortions, or. The Golden DNA Activation activates the frequency of the Golden Liquid Realms, called the Absolute Harmonic Universe, into your DNA template. In order to be able to draw and hold the Golden frequencies of the universe we are ascending to, you must have these Golden DNA Activations and sacred codes activated upon you. The Golden DNA Activations are distant healing sessions which consist of activating DNA from its current blueprint, back to the original sacred God Gold print, using specific Golden DNA Activation codes that enable this to occur and have imbued within them the templates of SourceGod, which are untouched by any interferences, distortions, or. DNA Masters Activations, Golden DNA Activations. To order your 5 session package for only 497(and receive a 58 discount) to clear all energy blockages and ACTIVATE your DNA to its highest energy holding potential: CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO GET STARTED NOW. I now request the activation of my Crystalline Sun DNA Templates through the energy of the 12 rays of Creation, chakra and Light Body activations, axiatonal lines, and the appropriate geometries, fire letters, key codes and numerologies as I am placed in a Crystalline Sun DNA Activation Chamber of Light..