• The Museum of London has launched a Great Fire of London website to mark the 350th anniversary of the blaze, tracking the course of the fire that broke out in the small hours of 2 September 1666. London 1666 commemorates the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London and is designed by artist David Best, in collaboration with Artichoke. Part of the Londons Burning Festival. This article describing the events of the Great Fire of London was published in The London Gazette, Monday September 3 to Monday September 10 1666. London Fire Brigade (LFB) said 72 firefighters and officers were sent to Great Portland Street, near Oxford Street and BBC headquarters, following reports of a fire at 12. LONDON A fire tore through a 24story West London apartment building early Wednesday, killing at least 30 people and injuring more than 70. Although the Great Fire was a catastrophe, it did cleanse the city. The overcrowded and disease ridden streets were destroyed and a new London emerged. A monument was erected in Pudding Lane on the spot where the fire began and can be seen today, where it is a reminder of those terrible days in September 1666. 1, 606 the number of years prior to the Great Fire that London was first destroyed by fire. 60, Queen Boudicca and her Iceni tribe burned the Roman city of Londinium. 450 the number of years prior to the fire that the last fire to be called the Great Fire of London occurred (1212). The Great Fire is an epic drama about the 1666 Great Fire of London, when the city burned for four days. Andrew Buchan stars as Thomas Farriner, whose bakery in Pudding Lane was the flashpoint for. SCARY SCORE: Its the 2nd September 1666 and the sparks from Thomas Farriners bakery in Pudding Lane have set the packed timber houses of London alight and the city has become a raging inferno. London still suffered fires despite the changes that were made to the Citys streets and buildings after the Great Fire. Later in the 17th century Firefighting methods gradually became more sophisticated. Watch videoA wooden replica of 1666 London was set ablaze on the River Themes to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London. The 120 metre long installation was lit. Great Fire 1666: The Great Fire of London in Minecraft To mark the 350th anniversary of the most devastating fire in the city's history, the Museum of London has created Great Fire 1666, an exciting virtual experience in the Minecraft computer game. The Great Fire of London of September 1666 was one of the most famous incidents in Stuart England. It was the second tragedy to hit the city in the space of 12 months. The Great Fire ravages London between the buildings. This typical construction and London's uncontrolled growth had created a fireman's nightmare: a city dominated by old, dry, wooden structures, tightly packed into a confined space just waiting for a spark to ignite disaster. Everything you need to know about the Great Fire of London from the Museum of London, London Metropolitan Archives, the Monument and Guildhall Art Gallery. The most famous fire in history, the Great Fire of 1666 is part of British folklore. The blaze raged from 1am on Sunday 2 September to dawn on Thursday 6 September, and resulted in fourfifths of the City being destroyed, including 13, 200 houses and 87 churches, although, miraculously, there were only six officially recorded deaths. There is much written about the Great Fire of London on the web, much of it excellent, some more fanciful. aims to provide a quick and interesting reference to some of the more significant facts and figures about the fire; we hope you find something of value here. A fascinating insight into what really happened on the night of Sunday 2nd of September 1666, the Great fire of London in which parts of the city burned for 3 days the fire started in a bakery in pudding lane with the loss of around 6 recorded deaths and thousands of homes burnt to the ground. The Great Fire of London was a disaster waiting to happen. London of 1666 was a city of medieval houses made mostly of oak timber. Some of the poorer houses had walls covered with tar, which kept. The Great Fire of London; by Ray Setterfield. Event Date: September 2, 1666 Location: London, United Kingdom. Thomas Farriner was a baker who served King Charles II and supplied bread to the Royal Navy. Whether he chose to live in Pudding Lane, London, because he thought of it as an appropriate address for his trade we shall never know. Early on 2 September 1666, a fire started at a bakery in London, the capital city of England. Londons buildings were built close together and mostly made of wood, so they easily caught fire. These are very important years for the city of London because not only did the plague ravage the city, but Pepys was an eyewitness and recorder of the Great Fire of London 1666. When I was in the basement gift shop of St. Martin's in the Field, I found a small published copy of. On September 2nd, 1666, a tiny spark in a bakery oven ignited the worst fire that London has ever seen. The Great Fire of London burned for four days, and the City had to be rebuilt from its ashes. The Great Fire of London was a major conflagration that swept through the central parts of London, England, from Sunday, September 2 to Wednesday, September 5, 1666. The fire gutted the medieval City of London inside the old Roman City Wall destroying the. It is now 350 years since the Great Fire of London razed the city's medieval heart to the ground. But at such a distance it is easy to forget the human drama which played out as thousands of. About History series revealing what actually happened during the Great Fire of London of 1666. The Great Fire of London happened between 25 September in 1666. The fire began in a bakery in Pudding Lane. Before the fire began, there had been a drought in London that lasted for 10 months, so the city was very dry. The Great Fire of London started on Sunday, 2 September 1666 in a baker's shop on Pudding Lane belonging to Thomas Farynor (Farriner). Although he claimed to have extinguished the fire, three hours later at 1am, his house was a blazing inferno. This week 350 years ago, the Great Fire of London burned through 400 of the citys streets. Matthew Green reveals the extraordinary structures lost in the blaze from old St Pauls to a. Please enter a valid email address. Provide us with any information that would help us with your enquiry. For example your location, when you are thinking you would like One Day to visit etc. The Great Fire of London coincided with the time that the last major outbreak of the bubonic plague in London ended. In 1665, the year before the fire, it is thought that 100, 000 people, 15 of London's population, were killed by the plague. Great Fire of London, (September 25, 1666), the worst fire in Londons history. It destroyed a large part of the City of London, including most of the civic buildings, old St. Pauls Cathedral, 87 parish churches, and about 13, 000 houses. This is a set of 7 lessons on the Great Fire of London with aims, activities, vocabulary and references to the National Curriculum. The lessons go with the further resources I have uploaded, but you can use and adapt in whatever way is most useful to you and your class. What happened in the Great Fire of London? The Great Fire of London is one of the most wellknown disasters in Londons history. It began on 2 September 1666 and lasted just under five days. Onethird of London was destroyed and about 100, 000 people were made homeless. In September 1666 the heart of England's capital, the City of London (now London's financial district), was devastated by fire. Everyone knows the Great Fire of London started in a baker's shop in. The Great Fire of London destroyed more than 370 acres of the City of London. It destroyed more than 13, 000 houses, 84 churches and more than 40 halls. Although official records show that only four people lost their lives in the fire, the number was probably much higher than this. The Great Fire of London started accidentally in a bakery, right? That wasn't the view at the time many believed it was a terrorist attack and violent reprisals against possible suspects soon followed. The Great Fire of London began on the night of September 2, 1666, as a small fire on Pudding Lane, in the bakeshop of Thomas Farynor, baker to King Charles II. At one o'clock in the morning, a servant woke to find the house aflame, and the baker and his family escaped, but a. The Second Great Fire of London refers to one of the most destructive air raids of the Blitz. An American correspondent in a cable to his office said, The second Great Fire of London has begun. The Museum of London has loads of information about the Great Fire of London along with facts about London from its Roman origins to present day. Its only a short walk from St Pauls. London was a busy city in 1666. The streets were narrow and dusty. The houses were made of wood and very close together. Inside their homes, people used candles for light and cooked on open fires. A fire could easily get out of control. In those days there were no fire engines. Although the Great Fire of London destroyed over 13, 000 houses, almost 90 churches and even the mighty St Pauls Cathedral, a handful of survivors managed to escape the flames and can still be seen to this day. Before we look at where these resilient old buildings are located, its useful to see. The 2 September 2016 marks 350 years since the start of the Great Fire of London, which changed the skyline of the capital city forever. London in 1666 In 1666, fires in London were quite common. London Fire Brigade (LFB) said it was called to reports of a fire at 12. 45pm on Great Portland Street, where officers were still establishing the situation. Youth thrown to the ground and beaten. A guided walk following the path of the Great Fire of London. The Great Fire of London in September 1666 was one of the great historic moments in Londons long history, ripping the heart out of the medieval City and allowing the modern London we know now to develop. The fire began in the Pudding Lane house of baker Thomas Farriner. When questioned later Farriner said that he had checked all five fire hearths in his house and he was certain that all fires were out. Nevertheless, when the family were woken by smoke in the early hours of the morning, the fire was. Der Groe Brand von London (englisch Great Fire of London) war eine Feuersbrunst, die vom Sonntag, 2..